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The Berkshire Eagle: Letters to the Editor

My wife and I and my daughter and sister-in-law had the great pleasure of attending the concert on Aug. 15 at Ventfort Hall given by Keisuke Wakeo, the assistant principal oboist of the BSO, and Edmond Arkus, his long-time pianist colleague. The concert featured the second pubic performance of John Williams’ new “Concerto for Oboe” and the first performance of the concerto with a piano accompanying the oboe.

That was great in and of itself, but the intimate and time-gone-by setting of Ventfort Hall (about 30 people were in attendance) and the world-class musicians and sensitivity of their playing made the experience much more than that.
Mr. Wakeo played three pieces before the concerto and Mr. Arkus played Debussy’ “Suite Bergamasque,” including the famous Clair de Lune movement.
They then played perhaps five additional pieces including an oboe duet of Mozart’s “Magic Flute” with Mr. Wakeo and one of his advanced students at Tanglewood.

What a marvelous experience available to us in the Berkshires — an intimate setting with world-class musicians playing a new composition with a lovely open reception to speak with the artists and to have some wine and cheese thereafter.
Life is indeed good here.
